Midlife women in the workplace may find it difficult to cope with the changes in their personal lives and in return, this affects their work relationships. Since this is also a transition stage, women experience a lot of physical, emotional, and mental changes.
As workplaces become more diversified and younger generations saturate the workforce, women in their midlife may question themselves if they still belong in this arena.
Samantha Riley, the guest in the Rejuvenated Woman podcast states that while women are at this age, they become more interested in the things they want to pursue in life. Since work becomes a challenging place to be in, midlife women are thinking about having a business or going after hobbies that they have put aside for the longest time.
When asked what’s her recommendations for midlife women, Samantha mentioned three things, evaluate what you are passionate about, step forward and do things you’ve always wanted to do, and spend time on yourself.
- Evaluate what you are passionate about
Women in their midlife believe that they have given so much for their careers and for other people that they begin to be more insightful about themselves.
Samantha mentioned that most women who go to her for help always say that the midlife stage is the best time for them to start a business or start evaluating what they are really passionate about.
Having lots of experiences in life, these women know that they are capable of taking a risk and starting something new. Midlife women feel that they are young enough to create changes and step into their purpose.
- Step forward and do things you’ve always wanted to do
When Cathy reached the fabulous 50, she started thinking about how to better live her life. Her boys were in their teens, somewhat independent, and doesn’t require her to make school lunches anymore.
Many women who experience this suddenly have more time in their hands and want to figure out what to do with it. This becomes a great opportunity to go back to what you’ve always wanted to do before having kids or family.
Stepping out of your comfort zone and figuring out what you want to do can become quite intimidating, but you have to start somewhere. Go back to your past hobbies and decipher whether you want to do them again or not.
- Spend time on yourself
Women who have committed their lives to their families, husbands, or children may hit a realization mark as they reach midlife. They may say, “wow, I have gotten so far with my life, I have given so much to others, and yet I haven’t given much for myself.”
The initial feeling may be odd, and it seems like we’re missing out but, women have to lean into this. We have to realize that it’s important to give time for ourselves and reflect on how we’re leading our lives.
While Samantha’s advice for women who are not happy in the workplace is, to surround themselves with the right people, find yourself a good coach, and look after yourself. These three tips help them to cope and perform better in the workforce.
- Surround yourself with the right people
Sometimes feeling good starts with being around people who are good for our soul. These people give us positive conversations that make us feel good about ourselves and the world.
These people may not always be in the workplace in fact, it’s better to grow your network and be with different people. Doing so allows you to gain knowledge and talk about things that are not about work.
You just need to be cautious of the groups you’ll be joining. Samantha stated that some midlife women groups she came across were filled with bitterness and negativity, and you don’t want to adopt this kind of mindset.
Being with the right people increases your self-esteem and serves as a breather from the stress of work. Also, it makes you look at life from a different perspective and somehow prepares you to take on the challenges of work.
- Find yourself a good coach
Speaking with a good coach or mentor really helps you in juggling the stress of work. It’s nice to have someone who you can talk to and give you valuable advice. When women reach their midlife, they become a bit emotional so having someone that can balance the emotions is a big bonus.
Having a coach in your life can help you evaluate and strategize on how you can handle stressors. The idea of not having to deal with it alone initiates you to work on yourself.
If you’re in a stage in your life where you feel the need to excel whether, in work or business, a coach can help you lay out the execution plan.
- Look after yourself
The last one holds you accountable for your actions. Our happiness starts with knowing that we are taking care of ourselves. Check if you are feeding your body and mind with the right nourishment. Are you eating and thinking healthy?
Sleep is also a factor that affects our workplace relationships. You need to be having enough sleep if you don’t want to be cranky or forgetful at work. You owe it to yourself to feel good. If you’re not taking care of yourself, expect a negative domino effect on all the areas of your life.
The best way to do this is to reflect and evaluate your health across the board; be it in the physical, mental and emotional health.
There may be a lot of factors why women in midlife feel unhappy while at work. But there are also several ways to counter this. It begins with doing the inner work and analyzing why you don’t feel your best.
The key to becoming a rejuvenated woman demands having good people around you and taking charge of one’s life direction. It may not be always easy but for a woman who has gone through substantial experiences, this is a challenge that they’ll gladly accept.